Bilingual/ESL/ELPS Resources > Accelerated Curriculum Series, SpanishResponse to Intervention > Accelerated Curriculum Series, Spanish
Accelerated Curriculum Series, Spanish
Accelerated Curriculum Series, Spanish

Accelerated Curriculum for Struggling Readers Spanish provides a comprehensive instructional program to accelerate the learning of students who are at-risk of failure or who need additional literacy support. Research confirms a significant boost in student performance after receiving instruction using this program. Attention to specific instructional components effectively transitions struggling readers to actively-engaged students who can read and comprehend text independently, promoting word-recognition strategies, vocabulary development, and reading fluency.

Each Teacher Edition kit includes the following materials:

  • Teacher-ready lessons
  • Fluency measures
  • Selected-response assessments
  • High-interest chapter books for small-group instruction
  • Interactive dialog cards that engage specific cognitive processes

Each Student Edition kit contains the following materials:

  • Six student workbooks
  • Six sets of student cards
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